
How to pronounce the Portuguese alphabet

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Have you decided to learn Portuguese, but you are still a beginner and don’t know what the Brazilian alphabet sounds like?
Then this article is for you. In it you will find explanatory videos and audios, as well as tips on the Brazilian alphabet and how I can help you start learning Brazilian Portuguese for free.

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Brazilian Portuguese Alphabet

Well, before I start I have two important warnings to make:


  1. First of all, I’m from Rio de Janeiro, so I have a traditional accent here in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil is very big and we have different accents. And maybe you’ll hear a letter with a slightly different pronunciation than you might have seen in another video, ok?
  1. Secondly, the letters “k” “w” and “y” traditionally are not part of our alphabet. They were incorporated later. And so they are used only for: proper names (Wagner), words of foreign origin (Milkshake, Show!) And units of measures (km = kilometer, Kg = kilogram, W = watt).

If possible always try to repeat the letters aloud because speaking is important when learning a new language.


So let’s go!

portuguese alphabet - Learn portuguese alphabet - brazilian friend

Improve your pronunciation

Now I’m going to speak each letter again giving examples of words that start with that letter.

Try to repeat each letter and word again, as this will help to improve your pronunciation and also expand your vocabulary.

A – abelha

B – bola

C – coração

D – doce

E – estrela 

F – família

G – gato

H – hospital

I – igreja

J – jovens

K – kiwi

L – laranja

M – mão

N – nariz

O – orelha

P – peixe

Q – quadro

R – régua

S – sapato

T – tesoura 

U – urso

V – vaca

W – Wagner

X – xadrez

Y – yakisoba

Z – zebra

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Tell me how to speak these letters in Portuguese!

[A – G – E – Y – J – P – B – O – M – W – V- P] 

So, did you get any letters right? If not, don’t be sad, watch the video again and do the exercise again!

Portuguese for beginners

Learn From Scratch

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And if you want even more content visit my website: www.brazilianfriend.com and check out the news.

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