
Learn Portuguese Online – How to talk about yourself

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Learning Portuguese online can be a good option for those who don’t have much time or don’t want to attend a traditional course.

But sometimes people don’t know where to start.
In this article you will learn how to talk about yourself in Portuguese. This, of course, can be a good starting point for those starting out.

Some basic questions

Can you answer these questions in Portuguese?


  • E aí, beleza?
  • Como você se chama?
  • De onde você é?
  • O que você faz?


If you are just starting to learn Portuguese knowing how to answer these questions will be useful to start a basic conversation.

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E aí, beleza?

If someone says “oi, tudo bem?” you probably already know how to answer, right? Just say “tudo bem, obrigada”, or “tudo bem, e você?”. But what if a Brazilian friend uses a more informal greeting, for example: e aí, beleza? How should one respond?

First, let’s understand the meaning of each word in this sentence:

E = and

= there, then

Beleza = beauty

So we have “and there, beauty?”, which doesn’t make any sense in English. But, in fact, when we put the words “e” and “aí” together, in this type of sentence, we have the equivalent of the expression “what’s up?”, in Portuguese.

*Attention: the expression “e aí” in the middle of a sentence means “and then”.


Ele foi ao parque, e aí pôde encontrar todo mundo lá 

(He went to the park, and then he could meet everyone there)

But what about the word “beleza”(beauty). Is the other person saying you are beautiful? Not. In this case we don’t use this word in its literal sense. It’s like slang for “how are you?”. The meaning of the sentence is: “tá tudo beleza com você?” (is everything ok with you?)

And to answer you can say, for example:

–  E aí, beleza?

– Beleza! E você?

– Tudo tranquilo!

Or, if you prefer, you can use the traditional “tudo bem!”

Formal and informal greetings

If you want to learn more about formal and informal greetings and how to talk about yourself in Portuguese, sign up for my free course “apresentação pessoal”.

In it you will have access to 5 exclusive videos, flashcards, interactive exercises, and PDF’s with the lesson summary. Everything to help you learn Brazilian Portuguese in a practical and dynamic way. 

You can just click here and sign up right now. 

You can also sign up directly on my website:  www.brazilianfriend.com

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Como você se chama?

There are two ways to ask someone’s name in Portuguese. Best known is “Qual é o seu nome?”, which literally means “what’s your name?”. 

In my opinion, this question is the easiest to answer, because it has the word “nome” (name), which is a very basic word, and known to most people who are learning Portuguese. And to answer, just say “Meu nome é…“. 

Example: Meu nome é Roberta, e o seu? 

Easy right? But there’s another way to ask “What’s your name?” in Portuguese, which is using the phrase “Como você se chama?”.


Como = how

Você = you

Se chama = are called

So: Como você se chama? = How are you called?

And how is this question answered? You should say “Eu me chamo…, which means “I’m called…”

See the examples:

Qual é o seu nome?

– Meu nome é Marta, e o seu?

– Meu nome é André

-Muito prazer!

– Prazer!

* * * * *

– Como você se chama?

– Eu me chamo Marta, e você?

– Eu me chamo André

-Muito prazer!

– Prazer

De onde você é?

We use this phrase to know the origin of someone, which could be the country, state or city, for example:

De = from

Onde = where

Você = you

É = are, is

De onde você é? = where are you from?

To answer this question you can say:

Eu sou de/do/da ______.

For example:

Eu sou de Portugal.

Eu sou do rio de janeiro.

Eu sou da Argentina.

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If you have doubts about how to use the words “dedo and da” in Portuguese, I prepared a special lesson just to talk about this subject. 

Click here to know more. 

O que você faz?

This is one of the ways to ask about someone’s profession.

O que = what

você = you

faz = do

So the question “o que você faz?” means “what do you do?”.

Although we use the verb “faz” (do) to ask, in the answer you must use the verb “ser” (to be):

Eg.: Sou professor, sou aluno, sou garçom.

        (I am a teacher, I am a student, I am a waiter).


And you, what do you do? 

If you want to learn more about how to talk about professional life in Portuguese, click here and access the exclusive lesson I prepared on the subject.

Até mais!

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