
Learn Portuguese with stories: #1 – Paulo

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Learning Portuguese with stories can be a good option for those who want to understand the Portuguese language in a broader way.
It allows you to learn new terms and expressions in context, which makes learning easier and helps with memorization.
So enjoy this short story. Watch the video and read the text to review vocabulary.

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Nível: básico

Paulo é brasileiro, nascido e criado no Rio de Janeiro, cidade que ama.

Muito comunicativo e engraçado, Paulo tem vários amigos e adora jogar futebol com eles nos fins de semana. Diz que é craque no futebol, mas há quem diga que, na verdade, ele é um perna de pau.

Sempre que pode ele vai à praia que fica num bairro próximo da sua casa para relaxar e aproveitar a paisagem.

Ele tem um cachorro que se chama Golias, que ganhou de presente de uma amiga há alguns anos. Ao contrário do nome de gigante, Golias é pequeno e muito amigável.

Paulo torce para o Flamengo, time que aprendeu a amar por causa de seu pai, seu Valdir. Às vezes eles vão juntos assistir aos jogos do campeonato carioca.

Paulo já teve vários empregos. Já trabalhou como motorista, garçom e até já fez bico como ator, mas acha que essa não é a sua “praia”. Ano passado ele ficou desempregado, mas recentemente conseguiu emprego de vendedor. Ele sonha em abrir seu próprio negócio, conseguir sua independência financeira e se mudar para um apartamento de frente para a praia, para poder aproveitar melhor as coisas boas que o Rio tem a oferecer.


Nascido e criado: Born and raised
Fins de semana: Weekends
Craque: a soccer star

Perna de pau: Lit.: Wooden leg. = a person who plays football very poorly.

Fica: Stay. => it is common to use the verb “ficar” to indicate the location of something in Portuguese.

Bairro: Neighborhood:

Fez bico: worked in a informal temporary work

“Praia”: Literally means “beach”. But in the story the word was used in a metaphorical sense. To say that something is not “someone’s beach” means that it is not closely related to that person. It’s not something he/she likes very much or don’t know enough about it.

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Paulo is Brazilian, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, the city he loves.

Very communicative and funny, Paulo has several friends and loves to play football with them on weekends. He says he’s a soccer star, but some say he’s actually a peg leg.

Whenever he can, he goes to the beach, which is in a neighborhood close to his house, to relax and enjoy the scenery.

He has a dog named Goliath, which he got as a gift from a friend a few years ago. Contrary to the giant name, Goliath is small and very friendly.

Paulo supports Flamengo, a team he learned to love because of his father, Valdir. Sometimes they go together to watch the Rio championship games.

Paul has had several jobs. He has worked as a driver, waiter and has even worked as an actor, but he thinks that this is not his “beach”. Last year he was unemployed, but recently got a sales job. He dreams of opening his own business, achieving financial independence and moving to a beachfront apartment so he can better enjoy the good things Rio has to offer.

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